Vittles 'N' Bits Brothers' Keepers - Loving God, Strategically Loving Them
Do you stop, sometimes, to think deeply about the beautiful foundation of our faith that it is more blessed to give, than to receive? Remember that God gave His ALL to and for you - His only begotten Son, and Jesus gave His ALL to and for you - His love, life, and blood. The Lord is the fulfillment of this principle. In Vittles 'N' Bits Brothers' Keepers, we are going to press into this groundwork of selflessness, love, and generosity. This is a sacrificial act of service, spiritual warfare, fruit evidence of Holy Spirit, victorious Kingdom living, and an open door to generational blessings. Doing unto others as we would have them do to, with, and for us is a pillar of our faith. If we want to experience ecstatic joy and an exponentially loving relationship with The Lord, then we need to trust and obey Him, especially in this area of love. We must focus on generously giving to God, and generously giving to others, increasingly, as a plan, as a strategy, and as a lifestyle, with each passing day. Be filled with the Fire of God - Stop, Drop, and Roll - stop your doubtful thoughts, drop to your knees, and roll around in your mind, prayerfully, how you can be much more involved, as a lifestyle, of brothers' keeping.